McDonald’s Theory.

I use a trick with co-workers when we’re trying to decide where to eat for lunch and no one has any ideas. I recommend McDonald’s.

An interesting thing happens. Everyone unanimously agrees that we can’t possibly go to McDonald’s, and better lunch suggestions emerge. Magic!

It’s as if we’ve broken the ice with the worst possible idea, and now that the discussion has started, people suddenly get very creative. I call it the McDonald’s Theory: people are inspired to come up with good ideas to ward off bad ones.

From Jon Bell’s medium.

So: if there is a task at hand, put an idea on the table as a start. It might be a good one, more likely it will be a mediocre one. The point is, as soon as something is on the table, the team starts to iterate and/or come up with better ones. Discussion happens.

I use this technique so many times I had to document it in this here blog.

Szolgálati közlemény: angol kemóblog.

Fácsén meg Google+-on meg Twitteren már látta aki látta: növekvő nemzetközi olvasótáborom igényeit kielégtendő indítottam egy angol nyelvű blogot. Kifejezetten a limfómára, illetve a körülményekre stb. koncentrál majd, nem lesz benne OSMC, se politika, se rantek „seggszag” taggel. Jelenleg úgy gondolom, hogy kemény tartalomduplikálás történik majd, vagyis itt magyarul meglesz az (jórészt), ami ott angolul. Ezen felül szándékomban áll átszindikálni onnan a kontentot ide. Ezt aztán vagy meglépem vagy nem, végülis ott a Twitter/Facebook/Google+. Meglátjuk.

Where’s lipilee?

Dear Friends,

Some of you probably know by now (as I spilled info about it on my Twitter feed and whatnot), I have left Hungary, including my Hungarian job. Family will join me once I settled in.

Currently I’m in Amsterdam, getting settling in. (More on this later, as everything is still in progress. Also more, possibly in Hungarian, on why we are leaving. If that even needs an explanation.) My old Shell account (MOC number, email address, etc.) does not work any more, so don’t look for me there. All my other social stuff, of course, is: Gmail, Twitter, Google Hangouts, and Skype, are your friends if you want to reach me. My old phone number is with me, but not in use — I have yet to get a dutch phone number, so no sms and no calls for the moment. (Does anyone care, really?)

If you happen to be in Amsterdam, give me a shout and let’s meet up. I like meeting up. Meeting up is good.

So if you want to contact me:

  • lipilee at gmail or gergo.lippai at gmail is my email and hangouts
  • gergo.lippai is my skype
  • lipilee is my twitter
  • and lipilee is my facebook