McDonald’s Theory.

I use a trick with co-workers when we’re trying to decide where to eat for lunch and no one has any ideas. I recommend McDonald’s.

An interesting thing happens. Everyone unanimously agrees that we can’t possibly go to McDonald’s, and better lunch suggestions emerge. Magic!

It’s as if we’ve broken the ice with the worst possible idea, and now that the discussion has started, people suddenly get very creative. I call it the McDonald’s Theory: people are inspired to come up with good ideas to ward off bad ones.

From Jon Bell’s medium.

So: if there is a task at hand, put an idea on the table as a start. It might be a good one, more likely it will be a mediocre one. The point is, as soon as something is on the table, the team starts to iterate and/or come up with better ones. Discussion happens.

I use this technique so many times I had to document it in this here blog.

Lipilee doesn’t like canceled recurring meetings.

Don’t get me wrong, I love meetings I don’t have to attend any more. What I don’t like is the lazy-ass approach to just cancel the whole recurring session when you don’t need the meeting any more. Dude, just Open the series, click Recurrence, and set End by properly! This way, I don’t have to attend your meeting, but it’s still in my archives for great historic record. Win-win!

Document/Knowledge Management: milyen rendszert?

Egy ideje keresgélek jó dokumentum/tudásmenedzsment rendszert. Kézenfekvő lenne azt mondani, hogy „csinálj egy wikit” (volt olyan is, hogy csináltunk wikit), de a helyzet nem ilyen egyszerű: van egy rakás (több száz) dokumentumunk (ezek nagy része restricted, tehát csak irodán belül elérhető, webről nem), amit rendszerezni szeretnénk, emellett ugye van egy adag wiki, és van egy adag „misc” tudás.

Kb. ezeket az igényeket írtam le a to be solution kapcsán: Document/Knowledge Management: milyen rendszert? részletei…