Az tulajdonképpen már nem is meglepő, hogy a Sony rootkitjeinek az írói newsgroupokon szedték fel a tudást. Amiről most szólni akarok, az mindennek a stílusa. Olvassuk el együtt az alábbi newsgroup postot, és vessük össze a netikettről meg a buta kollegákról alkotott képünkkel:
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsmedia.drm
From: “Ken Fagan” – Find messages by this author
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 13:22:16 -0700
Local: Tues, May 1 2001 12:22 pm
Subject: How to download a licensed WM DRM file
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report AbuseHere is our big problem!
We have found the same feature in the SDK files but what we WANT to do is EXACTLY what you describe as well as what is described below from the link:
We want to DOWNLOAD (and not stream) the files to the end user WITH A license to Play or Delete or Transfer to an SDMI Compliant Portable Device BUT NOT TO TARNSFER TO A PEER PC…
We want to do all of this WITHOUT having to require the user to re-validate a license with an online licensing server again!
It seems like you have figured it out!
Can you help???
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