Love in the time of influenza. (Macroblog.)

I just healed from what is probably the worst flu I’ve ever encountered. It’s not horrible-worst, and certainly not the worst I’ve ever been — to a cancer survivor everything is relative. But as flu goes, this was pretty miserable. Probably worse than my covid, although the jury is still out (for example, so far I didn’t get pneumonia as a complication. Hashtag crossed fingers emoji.)

But lacking strength to even take a walk, every day (well, when I got better) I did some low brain activity / geek cleanup projects.

  • I cleaned up my Kodi mediacenter’s repos (they’ve been very polluted due to a broken Jellyfin addon install some time back), and
  • I finally set up my RPi5 (that I got almost as soon as it entered the market — I was on a waiting list), and split my home backup and Jellyfin server. Yes, I’m using a RPi5 as a Jellyfin server now against the recommendation of the Jellyfin folks (RPi5 apparently doesn’t have hw acceleration that Jellyfin needs for transcoding, but I’ll be honest: I don’t notice it. We are a 2-max-4 user household, and watching stuff on Jellyfin simultaneously doesn’t even make the fan turn on.)
  • I also fixed an old keyboard (the synthesizer type, not the clickety-typie type), and last but not least:
  • I cleaned out our dryer. (Cleaning out a dryer is very satisfying: dryer gunk does not stink, (it’s just wet dust), and there’s a lot of it so there’s a sense of achievement, and it makes a huge, visible impact in the machine’s efficiency.)

I love my Garmin stuff. I know Body Battery and Stress on a Garmin device are more or less arbitrary figures that they calculate somehow and you should treat it as such, but it’s uncanny how well it senses you are sick:

So anyway, I’m back and I have 2 more posts in the making: one on about what is a citizenship and another one about axes. I even have a little teaser for one of these: